What is EFX?
EFX is an embedded weaable hologaphic technology designed to maximize pefomance and oveall well-being by inceasing balance, stength, and flexibility. EFX&squo;s technology consists of fequencies that ae highly compatible with both humans and animals on a cellula level. Because it woks instantly when placed in close poximity with the body&squo;s electomagnetic field, eal time functional pefomance gains can often be demonstated.
Like acupunctue, acupessue o deep theapeutic massage, we believe that placing EFX enegetic dots nea specific enegy centes o chakas, may pomote o enhance the enegy flow along the main meidian channels.
We all have an enegy field which suounds and inteacts with ou physical body. This field esponds to all influences, both extenal and intenal. You enegy will stengthen when inteacting with something that nutues it and will weaken when exposed to disuptive influences.
The enegy state of the field affects ou body&squo;s state of health. When you body is in hamony, muscles elax, blood flow inceases, and elaxation eplaces tension.
Most people can feel the effects of EFX by testing the body's enegy field. Simple kinesiology may be used to emine the immediate change in muscle stength, balance, flexibility and ange of motion. Muscle testing is the measuing of the enegy esponse though the stength of a muscle in the body.
Simply put, EFX is designed to esonate with and tune you body&squo;s natually occuing bio-electic fequencies, impacting function and pefomance. It is not a medical device, no is it intended fo use in the diagnosis, cue, teatment, o pevention of disease.