香港大嘴猴国际品牌管理有限公司 出品
质地轻柔,色泽自然,可修饰黑眼圈、细纹等,令眼睛更有神,亦可用于修饰面部瑕疵,有效改善细纹及皱纹。特殊持久配方,可长时间维持完美妆容。 可作为眼部粉底,令眼影色彩更持久,也可遮盖唇部瑕疵,使唇色更加自然。 独特的笔型设计,取用方便,易于携带。 含维生素E及C抗氧化成分,有效抵抗自由基对皮肤的伤害,预防皮肤过早老化。 经眼科测试,不会刺激眼睛。 经皮肤性及过敏性测试。不含香料。
The pefect conceale
Soft textue, natual colo, can be modified with the black im of the eyes, fine lines, make you eyes moe spiitual,and can also be used fo modification of facial blemishes, effective impovement of fine lines and winkles. Special long-lasting fomula, give you the long time maintenance pefect makeup.It can be used as eye foundation, eye shadow colos moe duable, but also cove the lip defect, make labial colo moe natual.Unique pen design, convenient to use, easy to cay.It contains Vitamin E and C antioxidant, effective against fee adical damage to the skin, pevent pematue aging of the skin.It passed the Depatment of Ophthalmology test, not iitating to the eyes. It also passed the natue and allegic skin tests.Fagance fee.
使用方法: 在所需修饰的部位轻轻点擦。再用指腹轻轻抹开。或将遮瑕膏点在眼睛下方,或其他想要遮盖的部分。用中指或无名指指腹轻轻将遮瑕膏推匀。以粉扑薄薄地将蜜粉按压上去。